Product Code


Vitalnova G20F

  • Advantages
  • Recommended Rates
  • Directions
  • Download Product Sheet
  • incorporates easily into regular spray programs using standard equipment
  • highly cost effective due to low use rate
  • eliminates phytotoxicity symptoms at concentrations up to 1:20
  • tank mix compatible with fertilizers
  • convenient 1 liter package size
Recommended Rates

Rate (ounces per acre)

Barley, oats, rye, wheat 8 1
Beries 8 2
Citrus 7 3
Corn, milo, millet, sorghum 8 1
Cotton 4 4
Fruit trees 8-20 3
Fruiting vegetables 6 3
Grapes, table seedless





Grapes, table seeded





Kiwis 13-20 4
Legumes 8 2
Melons 6 3
Nuts 8 3
Onions, chives, garlic, leeks, shallots 4 3
Potatoes, yams 7-13 2
Rice 7 2
Root vegetables 4 3
Stem, leaf, flower vegetables 5 3
Strawberies 4 4
Sugar beets 8 8
Sunflowers 8 1
Tropical fruits 8 2
Turf 8 Monthly thru season
Ornamentals (greenhouse, nursery, landscape) 13 1 week prior to shipping or any anticipated stress. Otherwise, apply at 14-day intervals as needed
Recommended rates are intended as a guideline only and may not be suitable for all regions and conditions. It is the responsibility of the grower to determine appropriate rates. Follow label instructions and use care when handling all fertilizer products.
  • consult rate tables printed on bag
  • verify product analysis, longevity and rate for plants in your production system (for assistance, contact your regional ICL-SF Territory Manager or call the ICL Lab at 877-467-8522)
  • shake well before use
  • for best results, apply in the evening or early morning
  • for high volume sprayers dilute 1:200 to 1:1000; for low volume sprayers dilute 1:40 to 1:100
  • to apply with other chemicals, dilute and adjust pH of the mixture to 5.5–6.5
  • a product trial is recommended before adopting a new fertilizer program or making full-scale changes to standard cultural practices (test several rates on representative plant types)
  • store in a clean, cool, dry place

Vitalnova G20F is a chelated micronutrient package designed for foliar applications. Best when applied prior to stress in the growth cycle of plants and turf. Improves yield in agronomic crops and durability in ornamental plants.