
Картофель растет в широком диапазоне климатических условий, но оптимальная дневная температура находится между 15 и 20 °C. Он хорошо развивается на большинстве типов почв, но уборка урожая более эффективна на легких почвах. Необходима хорошая структура почвы, так как эта культура предпочитает хорошо дренированные, аэрированные и пористые почвы. Оптимальный уровень pH почвы составляет от 5 до 6. Слегка щелочные почвы могут негативно повлиять на качество кожицы, а сильно щелочные условия могут вызвать дефицит микроэлементов. Картофель считается культурой, чувствительной к хлоридам. Картофель имеет повышенное потребление азота и еще более высокие требования к калию. Достаточное внесение кальция повышает хранимость клубней.




The new 4-in-1 fertilizer for better crop yield

Polysulphate is a natural mineral from underneath the North Sea that contains four minerals: Sulphur, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium. It is a single complex crystal, totally natural and is ready to be used straight from our own mines on your field.

For more infomation please visit polysulphate.com

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H2Flo is a blend of soil surfactants which reduces the surface tension of irrigation water and allows both vertical and lateral movement of water.

H2Flo leads the way in water conservation products with the highest concentration of active ingredients (88%) of the most advanced wetting agents available. H2Flo allows growers and farmers to optimize the water use efficiency saving time and energy. H2Flo can be applied as an initial humectant and also during the normal irrigation cycle where it will also aid the movement of fertilizers throughout the soil and thus balancing the EC levels.

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Agroleaf Power High P

Agroleaf Power High P


Agroleaf Power High P is a foliar feed designed for tuber initiation in potatoes and for better root development in re-established vegetable transplants. It also enhances blossoming and prevents abortions in fruit crops.

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Agroleaf Power Total

Agroleaf Power Total


Agroleaf Power Total is a premium water soluble foliar feed with all essential elements. It contains the Everris M-77® chelated trace element and stimulant package for optimum uptake through the foliage.

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Agroleaf Power Magnesium

Agroleaf Power Magnesium


Agroleaf Power Magnesium contains NPK, MgO and SO3. It cures and prevents Magnesium deficiencies found in soils like: acidic, light and sand. It also increases photosynthesis and chlorophyll creation. It is great to use for crop recovery, stress relief and cell stretching.

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Agroleaf Power High K

Agroleaf Power High K


Agroleaf Power High K is a premium water soluble foliar feed. It is equipped with ICL Specialty Fertilizers'  patented M-77 chelated trace element and stimulant package to allow for optimum foliar nutrient uptake.

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phixer, the latest specialist water conditioner that adjusts spray tank water to an optimum pH level with a built in pH color indicator for ease of use.

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